Welcome to Dingle Ball

Dingle Ball is an abstract, made up sport played by made up people competing on made up teams. More than a random number generator, each player has strengths and weaknesses: over a dozen skills factor in to the performance of each player, and these skills will change over time. Some players may flare out early, while others hit their stride later in their career. Some are streaky, and others consistent. As age catches up to each player, their skills will deteriorate. Teams can drop players who are performing poorly and call up a new recruit.

Each 160 game season of Dingleball takes 10 weeks to transpire, with 2 games occurring each weekday and 3 on Saturday and Sunday. After the regular season, a postseason tournament is held to determine the league champion! The winners of each of 6 divisions will compete in this tournament, along with 2 wildcard slots awarded to the next best teams in the league. League standings are determined by wins, then points scored, then points allowed, then a coinflip.

How Dingle Ball is played

A game of Dingle Ball is played with 2 teams of 10 players. Each round the defending team selects a player to defend, and each of the 10 players on the attacking team try an attack. Afterward, the teams switch sides and repeat. After all 10 players on each team have had a turn on defense, the game ends (10 rounds). If the game is tied after ten rounds, additional rounds are played until a round ends with one team with the lead (max 20 rounds, tie breaker is total progress, then coinflip). Note: in round 10 and beyond, if a team is mathematically eliminated from the game, the game will immediately end.

When it's a player's turn to attack (called a try), the result can modify a team's streak and progress. A team's streak is how many successful tries they've had in a row. Progress is how teams score points - every 5 progress gained converts into 1 point. Any successful outcome (called a go) will increase a team's progress by a base amount plus 1 for each of their current streak. Any negative outcome (called a fall) will reset a team's streak.

Possible outcomes of a try:
  • Go:
    • Bump: grants 0 progress + 1 x streak
    • Smash: grants 2 progress + 1 x streak
    • Knockout: grants 5 progress + 1 x streak
  • Fall:
    • Tumble: resets streak
    • Dive: resets streak and progress

Teams can have leftover progress after scoring or even score multiple points in one attack. Example: With a progress of 4 and a streak of 3, a player gets a knockout. This gives the team +8 progress (5 for the knockout and 3 for the current streak) to take them to 12. 10 progress gets converted to 2 points, and the team ends up with a leftover progress of 2 and a streak of 4.

The following is a list and description of all tracked stats for Dingle Ball players.

Stat Abbreviation Description
Tries Tri Offensive chances (attacked a defender)
Goes Go Offensive successes (achieved a bump, smash, or knockout)
Falls Fl Offensive failures (achieved a tumble or a dive)
Tumbles Tmb Low grade offensive failure (resets streak)
Dives Dv High grade offensive failure (resets streak and progress)
Bumps Bmp Low grade offensive successes (0 base progress)
Smashes Sm Mid grade offensive successes (2 base progress)
Knockouts Ko High grade offensive successes (5 base progress)
Average Avg Goes per try
Progress Made Pr Total progress gained from tries
Progress Per Go PPG Average progress gained per go
Progress Per Try PPT Average progress gained per try
Progress Per Try Plus PPT+ Average progress gained per try, normalized. 100 is league average, and any amount difference is that percent difference from league avg. 80 is 20% worse than league avg, 130 is 30% better than league avg, etc.
Assists Ast Times progress was made that was later converted into a point
Points Scored Po Times progress was made that resulted in a point being scored
Bids Bid Defensive chances (defended against an attacker)
Sinks Sk Defensive successes (any type)
Shutdowns Sdn High grade defensive successes (attack resulted in a dive)
Sink Rate SR Sinks per bid
Goes Allowed GA Goes allowed by a defender
Progress Allowed PrA Progress allowed by a defender
Progress Per Go Allowed PPGA Average progress gained by the attacker per go allowed
Progress Per Bid PPB Average progress allowed per bid
Progress Per Try Plus PPB+ Average progress allowed per bid, normalized. 100 is league average, and any amount difference is that percent difference from league avg. 80 is 20% worse than league avg, 130 is 30% better than league avg, etc.
Points Allowed PoA Points allowed by a defender
Points Per Round PPR Average points allowed per 10 bids

How to play Fantasy Dingle Ball

Each fantasy league will have a set draft date. When the draft begins, users take turns drafting Dingle Ball players on to their team (the draft order will snake back and forth, so if you go last you get to draft two players in a row). During the season, your fantasy team will score points based on the performance of the Dingle Ball players you have on your team. The following chart shows the relationship between stats accrued and fantasy points awarded.

Fantasy games happen twice a week, from Monday to Thursday and from Friday to Sunday. Each fantasy game covers 8 Dingle Ball games, referred to as a period. When you modify your fantasy roster, the changes will not go into effect until the next period. After 18 periods, the top 4 fantasy teams will go to the postseaon.

Stat Fantasy Points
Bump 1
Smash 2
Knockout 3
Dive -2
Assist 1
Point Scored 2
Sink 1
Shutdown 1
Go allowed -1
Point allowed -2